By participating in various dental specialist events, Dr. Reinhold Meyer gathers information about cutting edge research findings and innovative treatment methods. Overall dental restoration, temporomandibular joint treatment as well as periodontology are only a few of his priority areas. Interdisciplinary knowledge exchange with physicians from other medical specializations is crucial in order to derive at a wholistic diagnosis of our patients.
Dr. Antje Engemann-Meyer covers the entire scope of dental treatments. As she is especially concerned with careful early treatment of children and adolescents, she successfully completed a two year curriculum for dental therapy for young people. An additional field of expertise is aesthetic dentistry as well as running our functional laboratories.
Dr. Jürgen Haack ist pharmacist, hobby pilot
und doctor of dental surgery.
Until mid-2020, he has practiced for more than 38 years in his own dental office in Düsseldorf Benrath. Leveraging his extensive experience, Dr. Haack continues to offer treatments to his patients in our practice.
Our friendly and competent receptionist is responsible for practice management and is your contact person for any questions concerning our business operation. Her fundamental knowledge of accountancy and invoicing enables her to respond to any issues arising in a timely and helpful manner.
Mrs. Ayten is currently doing her apprenticeship of dental assistance in our practice. During her internship, she was able to gather first experience in this field and wants to expand her abilities and skills in our team.
Frau Listmann hat ihre Ausbildung zur Zahnmedizinischen Fachassistentin in einer endodontisch spezialisierten Praxis absolviert. Neben ihrer Arbeit in der Assistenz ist sie für die Vorbereitung umfangreicher chirurgischer und prothetischer Behandlungen sowie für die Sterilisationskette verantwortlich. 2024 hat sie sich erfolgreich zur Prophylaxeassistentin fortgebildet.
Frau Ferrari hat 2000 ihre Ausbildung zur Zahnmedizinischen Fachassistentin absolviert und bringt Erfahrung in der Assistenz aller Behandlungen sowie des Hygienemangements mit. 2007 hat sie ihre Qualifikation zur Prophylaxeassistentin erfolgreich abgeschlossen und ist seitdem engagiert in der Prophylaxe tätig.
Frau Adllaleh hat sich für den Beruf der Zahnmedizinischen Fachassistentin entschieden und absolviert in unserer Praxis Ihre Ausbildung.
Frau Vural hat sich für den Beruf der Zahnmedizinischen Fachassistentin entschieden und absolviert in unserer Praxis Ihre Ausbildung.